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Mental Wellbeing After Covid

We’d love to hear from more people, but perhaps an initial sample of 25 participants in this conversation will dovetail with other evidence about the impact of the pandemic on our mental health and wellbeing, including conversations that Orb and Knaresborough Connectors have had with local residents. 

The 25 participants responded to 7 statements.  1 in 5 respondents did not think that people’s levels of anxiety had been heightened by the pandemic or that loneliness had increased – perhaps that’s because neighbours and the local community had worked well in adversity.  This is confirmed by the fact that most people in the conversation agreed that “Being good neighbours during COVID has helped a lot of people address feelings of loneliness and isolation that we should continue to support.” 

The statement with the highest level of support in the survey was, however, that “despite the relaxing of COVID rules there are still a lot of people who are anxious about social gatherings.”  So, there’s always work to be done! 

This conversation is now closed but the results are outlined below and you can access the full survey outputs here.

What are we going to do with these results? Well, they’re out there and in your hands so perhaps this is about empowering you and giving you a voice for the issues you’re passionate about. 

Our Knaresborough Voice group of local community organisations are working on how to respond to these findings.  If you have a subject you’d like the town to have a conversation about, or want to be part of the response, then please get in touch with us by emailing Peter Lacey on:
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